Table of Contents 






Section C. Membership

Section D. Church Government

Section E. Meetings and Voting

Section F. Church Officers

Section G. Rules of Procedure








For the purpose of preserving and making secure the principles of our faith and to the end that this body may be governed in an orderly manner, and for the purpose of preserving the liberties inherent in each individual member of the church, we do declare and establish these Bylaws


Section A. The name of the corporation is New City Church Tampa, Inc., herein referred to as “the church” and/or “the corporation.”

Section B. Whenever it is desirable to abbreviate the name of this organization, the name New City Church shall be considered in every way the legal name of the church corporation.

Section C. Whenever the word “church” is used in these Bylaws or their amendments or other official action of the church corporation, it shall signify the legal organization of this church as established in the Certificate of Formation and herein. References to votes of the church shall have reference to a vote of the members of this church corporation.


Section A. New City Church is organized for the purpose of providing regular opportunities for public worship, to sustain the ordinances, doctrines, and ethics set forth in the New Testament for the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to do the work committed to the Church by Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Every organization and group within the church shall seek to promote the spiritual life and growth of the community and to so exemplify the Spirit of Christ and his teachings that the unsaved may be won to Christ and his gospel preached everywhere through a world mission program. Anything contrary to this spirit and purpose should be eliminated from within our church.

 Section B. No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers or other private persons, except to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purpose as set forth in the Articles.


Section A. Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, and on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now, in the presence of God and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ. 

Section B. As covenant members of New City Church, we are committed to the following statements found in our church covenant. 

We are committed to essential and orthodox Christian doctrines as defined by New City Church’s Articles of Faith.

We are committed to the Bible as God’s Holy Word 

We are committed to salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone 

We are committed to a unified body (Phil 2:1-11; Rom. 12:3-8; Heb. 10:24-25).

We are committed to gathering ourselves together on a regular basis

We are committed to biblically ordered church

We are committed to giving generously to the mission, and living sacrificially for its progress 

We are committed to every member as a missionary

Section C. This covenant is a promise to watch over one another in love according to all that the Bible commands; to pray for one another in all circumstances while coming to one another’s aid in sin and distress; to rejoice in our mutual salvation and gifts received from God; to love and serve one another, being slow to take offense, always ready to forgive and reconcile, following the example and teachings of Christ our Lord. 


Section A. The government of this church shall be congregational in nature. The authority for the operation and management of this church is derived from and ruled by Jesus, led by a body of Elders, and accountable to the congregation, as more particularly set forth in these Bylaws and in accordance with the principles laid down in the New Testament and the parameters set forth in these Bylaws.

Section B. This church is an independent, autonomous church with full and final authority to determine solely within itself all matters related to the life of this church including but not limited to its financial affairs, affiliations, ownership and uses of property, and pastoral leadership. 

Section C. Membership

  1. Covenant Membership

    1. The membership of this church shall be composed of persons who have given testimony of salvation; who have publicly professed faith in Jesus Christ; who have experienced Christian baptism by immersion; who agree with the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and Statement of Faith of this church; who have fulfilled any and all membership requirements established by the church at the time of their seeking membership; and who have expressed the desire to enter into and live according to the Church Covenant of New City Church.

    2. In considering the rights involved, members, and members only, may act and vote in the transactions of the church. A member for voting purposes will be an individual whose name appears on the membership roll.

  2. Termination of Membership – Membership may be terminated in any of the following ways:

    1. Personal request of the member.

    2. When it is verified that the person has united with another church.

    3. Members who for one year or longer do not contribute to the church’s support or participate in a small group or other New City Church ministry shall be contacted to determine the reason for their lack of participation in the life of the church. Unless good cause for such neglect can be shown, they shall be removed from church membership. If said members are unable to be contacted by phone, mail or email, or they fail to respond to contact attempts for a period of 90 days, they shall be removed from membership.

    4. Removal for cause on Biblical grounds as a result of church discipline.

    5. Death of member.

Section D. Church Government

  1. New City Church  is to be recognized as a Jesus ruled, elder led, and congregationally accountable church in accordance with the principles laid out in the New Testament.

  2. The Elders (collectively referred to herein as the “Elder Board” or “Elder Team”), in cooperation with the Lead Pastor, are responsible for leading the church in all matters of direction, doctrine, discipleship, and discipline. The Elders establish and “guard the truth” while being responsible to oversee and evaluate the direction of all ministries and stewardship of the church. The Elders, along with the Lead Pastor, may hire or remove church staff as necessary. The Elders may establish teams and other boards to assist them in any of their duties, and they may consult/partner to qualified individuals or teams as they deem fit. 

  3. The Congregation is responsible for carrying out the mission of New City Church. They are also responsible for ensuring New City Church remains faithful to its mission as given by Jesus Christ and to its doctrines as laid out in the Holy Scripture. This church accepts as its Articles of Faith, The Baptist Faith and Message, 2000ed. A congregational vote will be required for any of the following decisions: (1) selling or buying real estate; (2) borrowing money; and (3) making changes to these Bylaws. The congregation may also bring any decision of the Elders under review by following the procedure established in these Bylaws. 

Section E. Meetings and Voting 

  1. Voting – Congregational votes may be held using any means deemed appropriate by the Elder Board to allow maximum congregation participation while ensuring the integrity of the vote. Any recommendation requiring a congregational vote must be communicated to the congregation no less than fourteen (14) days prior to the vote, during which time, the Elder Board will ensure that opportunities for the congregation to ask questions and become educated on the recommendation will be readily available.

  2.  The church shall conduct an annual business meeting coinciding with the beginning of the fiscal year. Other church business meetings may be called at any time by the Senior Pastor or Chairman of the Elder Board after due notice has been given to the membership no less than fourteen (14) days before the meeting. In unusual circumstances or matters of great urgency, this notice provision shall be waived by unopposed action by the church assembled at any regular worship service/prayer service.

  3. In the case that a church member disagrees with a decision of the Elder Board, they should first address the Elder Board to seek resolution. If an agreement cannot be reached, a church business meeting may be called by members to bring any decision of the Elders under review by creating a written petition, specifying the issue to be addressed, and obtaining the signatures of 25 individuals or 10% of the members, whichever is greater at the time. 

  4.  Quorum – Given due notice of meetings/votes, those members present will constitute a quorum for all church business meetings.

Section F. Church Officers 

The officers of this church shall be the Lead Pastor, the Elders, the Trustees, the Church Clerk, and the Chief Financial Officer. 

1. Lead Pastor

The Lead Pastor, also known as the Senior Pastor,  shall be recognized as the spiritual leader of the church. The Lead Pastor shall be in charge of all worship and other public services of the church. He shall direct the work of the church staff in cooperation with the Elder Board, of which he is a permanent member. The Senior Pastor – and all staff leaders – may add/remove staff with “one level up” consultation, within budget and policy parameters.

At least thirty days’ notice shall be given of termination of the relationship with the Lead Pastor unless otherwise mutually agreed upon, with both Senior Pastor and church seeking to follow the will of God and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. The Elder Board may, by a majority vote, recommend termination of the senior pastoral relationship to the church. The church may dissolve the senior pastoral relationship, by secret ballot, by a two-thirds vote of the membership present at a church business meeting provided notice of such proposed action shall have been given at least two weeks in advance at all weekend worship services.

In the event a senior pastor vacancy occurs, the Elder Board is responsible for appointing a permanent Senior Pastor for the church. The church shall have an opportunity to hear the recommended candidate on a specific weekend at all weekend worship services. Election shall require an affirmative vote of three-fourths of elders voting to constitute a call. Should the one recommended by the team fail to receive a three-fourths vote, the Elder Board will seek out another candidate for Senior Pastor

2. Elder Board

  1. The Elder Board shall consist of the Senior Pastor and men who meet the qualifications for elders designated in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. The board is no less than three men in total. A majority of the Elder Board shall be “Congregational Elders”, non-staff members selected from the congregation at large. 

  2. New Congregational Elders are appointed by the existing Elder Board. The names of new candidates for the Elder Board will be shared with the congregation at least one month prior to the Elder Board’s appointment of the new Congregational Elders. If any member of the congregation has cause to believe a candidate is unqualified to serve, they should bring this concern to the attention of the Elder Board during this 30 day period, as part of the full vetting process. In this way, the congregation participates in affirming the selection of the Elders appointed to serve them.

  3. All Elders except the Senior Pastor – who is permanently appointed - shall serve terms of four years, at the end of which they may be re-appointed for a second term by the elder team. After two consecutive terms, there must be a lapse of one year before they may be considered for re-appointment. Terms shall be staggered such that no more than two Elders’ terms end in any one year.

  4. Staff Elders are selected and appointed/removed by the Lead Pastor with the consent of the Elder Board to join the Elder Team. Staff elders will serve terms of four years and then be recommended for reappointment by the Lead Pastor. There is no limit to the number of consecutive terms a staff elder can serve. 

  5. The Elder Board shall select a Chairman from the Congregational Elders on the Elder Board. The Elder Board shall also select one of the Congregational Elders to serve as Moderator at church business meetings.

  6. In the event of a vacancy among the Congregational Elders, the Elder Board may  appoint a qualified individual to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term, in accordance with the process for appointing new Congregational Elders. If the term to be filled is less than 18 months, the Elder shall be eligible to serve up to two additional consecutive terms.

  7. An Elder may be removed by resignation or by dismissal. The unanimous decision of the Board – in support of the Senior Pastor’s recommendation – may dismiss a fellow Elder whom they agree has not fulfilled the scriptural requirements for eldership. Alternatively, any two members with reason to believe that an Elder no longer meets the qualifications and should be dismissed should express such concern to the Elder Board and, if need be, to the congregation. Any such action shall be done in accordance with the instructions of our Lord in Matthew 18:15-17 and 1 Timothy 5:17-21.

  8. In the absence of a Senior Pastor, the Elder Board shall insure that someone preaches every week at all services. They shall also ensure that the church mission and ministries are kept intact and functioning, and that the attendance and finances are properly promoted while the church is without a Senior Pastor.

  9. The Elder Board shall work with the church financial staff/resources in managing the financial affairs of the church. They shall insure that an annual budget and an annual ministry report are prepared and made available to the congregation.

  10. The Elder Board shall have the authority to execute instruments, documents and contracts on behalf of the Corporation, other than those actions requiring approval by a vote of the congregation.

  11. The Elder Board shall make recommendations to the congregation for their approval any and all proposed changes or amendments to these Bylaws.


The Elder Board may appoint qualified individuals as Trustees as the Elder Board deems necessary. Upon appointment, Trustees shall constitute the body politic and corporate by the name of the “Trustees of New City Church Tampa, Inc.,” and shall hold in trust all property, effects, etc., for the benefit and subject to the direction of the church. They shall be the legal representatives of the church as required by the laws of the State of Florida. Power shall vest in the Trustees to further delegate legal representation of the church with regard to execution of contracts in the normal course of business, other than those actions requiring approval by a vote of the congregation.

Church Clerk

The Church Clerk shall keep a complete and accurate record of all church business meetings and votes of the church. The Church Clerk is appointed by the Elder Board. The Church Clerk may also be referred to as the Secretary of the Corporation.

Church Treasurer

The Church Treasurer or any individual or team he/she designates to assist him/ her, shall receive and deposit in the name of the church in a bank in the State of Florida (said bank having been designated by the Elder Board as the depository) all monies received through all channels, and pay all expenses incurred by the church. The Church Treasurer or designee shall keep an orderly set of books of all financial transactions, exhibiting with clarity all receipts and disbursements. The Church Treasurer or designee shall also be responsible for preparing quarterly, semi-annual or annual Record of Contributions to all contributing members. The Church Treasurer may designate a team or individuals to assist him/her in any of the above duties as he/she and the Elder Board deem necessary. The Church Treasurer is appointed by the Elder Board.

Power of Officers, Elder Board and Trustees to Execute Documents

The President, the Church Clerk, the Church Treasurer, members of the Elder Board and, if appointed, Trustees, shall have the authority to execute instruments, documents and contracts on behalf of the Corporation. The Elder Board may designate others, including additional officers, to have the authority to execute instruments, documents and contracts on behalf of the Corporation. Written consent or signatures by at least two of the individuals with executory authority is required to take any action on behalf of the church on all matters requiring a congregational vote.

Section G. Rules of Procedure

  1. Moderator

    1. A member of the Elder Board shall preside over all church business Meetings.

    2. The Moderator shall preserve order, state and put all questions, take the vote and shall cast the deciding vote in case of a tie.

    3. In all cases of order, the Moderator shall decide, but an appeal may be made to the church and a majority of two-thirds may reverse the decision.

  1. All questions shall be brought before the church by motion and seconded before they shall be discussed and voted upon.

  2. All motions, resolutions, and reports shall be submitted in writing.

  3. Only one member shall speak at a time and preference shall be given to the members first addressing the Moderator.

  4. Every member wishing to speak shall rise from their seat and respectfully address the Moderator. 

  5. No member may speak more than once upon the same subject until every member wishing to speak shall have the liberty to do so, nor more than twice without the consent of the church.

  6. All matters of parliamentary procedure not provided for shall be decided in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.


These Bylaws with the exception of Article X may be amended, altered, or repealed by a three- fourths vote of the members voting, provided that any proposed amendment, alteration or repeal be provided in writing (digital or printed) to the congregation at least fourteen (14) days in advance of the applicable church vote, during which time the Elders will ensure that opportunities for the congregation to ask questions and become educated on the recommendation will be readily available. 

The Elder Board maintains the right to make any appropriate corrections regarding sentence structure, format, grammar or internal consistency in the Bylaws, as long as the changes to not in any way affect the content of the Bylaws.


Upon the dissolution of the corporation, the Elder Board shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all the liabilities of the corporation, dispose of all of the assets of the corporation exclusively for the purposes of the corporation in such a manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for religious purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section 501C(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future U. S. Internal Revenue Law), as the Elder Board shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be dispersed by a court of competent jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes of such organization or organizations, as said court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.


The Elder Board shall submit the financial records and administration of the church funds to ongoing oversight by an independent Certified Public Accounting firm for the purpose of receiving third party validation of procedures and financial condition. The name of the partner CPA firm shall be made available to the congregation annually, along with financial results/budgets.

Section A. Budget

The Church Treasurer/Financial staff shall prepare an annual operating budget for approval by the Elder Board and for communication to the congregation. The Elder Board shall provide the congregation with a fiscal year end review of spending compared to both the established budget and actual giving. The Elder Board shall at the same time review with the congregation the operating budget for the year ahead.

Section B. Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the church shall be determined by the Church Treasurer in conjunction with the Elder Board.

Section C. Contributions

It shall be the duty of the members to contribute regularly for the expenses of the church, and for its ongoing mission to glorify God and promote the gospel here and throughout the world.

Section D. Solicitation

No person shall solicit or sell to the public in the name of the church or any of its organizations without the express consent of the Elder Board.

Section E. Indebtedness

No motion to pay any money for indebtedness incurred in respect to this church shall be eligible nor will the church be responsible for any indebtedness incurred unless such indebtedness is incurred by a resolution of the church. Exception to this rule is made in respect to the Elder Board and the Trustees in the case of emergencies for which provision cannot be made.


The Corporation shall keep 1) adequate and correct books and records of accounts, 2) written minutes of its business meetings, and 3) a record of each member's name and address.


Method and Spirit

Any member having cause or complaint against another must first seek to remove it as directed in Matthew 18. If this is not sufficient, the complaint shall be brought to the attention and counsel of the Elder Board, which may report its findings and may recommend to the church for appropriate action. All discipline shall be formulated and carried out in the Spirit of Christ with the goal being reconciliation to the body of Christ.


Section A. It is agreed by the present membership and all persons hereafter becoming a member of New City Church, Inc. that the securing and maintaining of real, personal, and mixed property by this church shall be for the express purpose of providing facilities for public worship and the engagement upon the missionary education and benevolent interest of this church of the character and in the spirit of these Bylaws and Articles of Faith. Should the church, through the normal conduct of its purpose, find itself in possession of unused property or portion of property unused, it may rent or lease said property until it is disposed of or returned to normal church use. 

Section B. If at any time, this church shall determine to alter the quality of its beliefs, usages, and practices so as in any important respect to be at variance with the character described in these Bylaws and in these Articles of Faith, if the decision is by less than a two-thirds majority vote of those present at any church business meeting, it is understood and agreed that the title and all rights to the property of the church shall inhere in and remain vested in that part of the congregation which shall agree to continue to use the property for the purposes for which it was purchased and has been to that time maintained in accordance with these Bylaws and Articles of Faith. 

Section C. This article shall not be amended, altered or repealed except by three-fourths vote of the membership present at a church business meeting and then only if such proposed amendment, alteration or repeal has been given in writing to the Lead Pastor and Elder Board and has lain on the table for a period of twelve (12) months; no consideration of such proposal shall be voted upon until the period aforementioned has elapsed and then at an announced church business meeting.